Actually, it’s not about us, but about you!
You are the person who keeps us going. We are here for you, for all our customers, and thanks to you we can continue our journey!
And you know what… WE LOVE BEING HERE!
Welcome to our store. We are Ezipper… let us tell you how it all started :)
We are two mums who met at our kids’ football training in 2017. One day life has sent us an idea to start something else, something as an addition to being mum and wife. Don’t get us wrong… being a mum and a wife is the most important thing in our life... but when life gives you opportunities you can either ignore it or take it... So we took the chance and said…why not give it a try.
We have invested our savings and started to sell products on eBay. The beginning was hard but slowly we grew… we have also opened store at Amazon, and just like that from keeping the stock in Annas garden room we have eventually rented our first unit…
Happy days
But it wasn’t always easy… and still isn’t .
We often had to work with our kids, weekends, evenings sick or not we still had to go to work to not let our customer down and send all the orders on time.
Every single order is important to us, it’s not just another number... we know that you are waiting maybe for new book... maybe your child is waiting for the new toy, or maybe you bought a present for your other half… we want to let you know that we got it covered
Selling on such a big platforms as Ebay and Amazon gave us lots of experience, but at the same time it takes away a lot of our income. All the fees, restrictions etc. we have to face, have brought us to the point we thought, why not to try our own website. This idea was growing in us for a long time and finally WE ARE HERE
We would like you to know that it MEANS A LOT to us, and if you are still here, spending time to read about who we are, then hopefully you will visit us once again… this store it’s not just a place with great deals and prices... it is the part of our life that we really care about… so please come back and visit us any time, it is always worth to check what we have got new to offer.